Tuesday, July 7, 2009

yesterday's steals

Yesterday I hit up Walgreen's (Wags) and Target for some small bundles of cheap stuff.


july 080

That's 4 boxes of Keebler Fudge Stripes - used 2 $1/2 MFQs (printables)
1 bottle of Wags brand aspirin - 100 ct. - used 1 Walgreen's FREE Q (got in the mail w/prescription transfer check)
1 Goody flex headband. - used $1/1 MFQ (printable)
+Used $9 in Register Rewards (RRs)

Total before Qs = $15.60
Total after Qs = $2.31
+Got $7 RRs back
+Got mail in rebate (MIR) for Goody for $3.99
Net = profit of $8.68


july 079

2 boxes Kashi cereal - used 2 $1.50/1 MFQs (printables), 1 Target .50/1, and 1 Target B1G1 Q
2 boxes Kashi TLC bars - used 2 $1.50/1 MFQs (printables) and 1 Target $1/2 Q
1 pack of Sprite playing cards - from Dollar Bin, for Penny

Total before Qs = $11.35
Total after Qs = $2.69

When all is said and done, I spent $5 and got $8.68 in rebates and rewards. That's a good day in my book.


  1. Could you post where you also got the coupons? Those Fudge Stripes look mighty tasty...

  2. Yeah.
    The fudge stripes Q and the Goody Q are both from coupons.com. You can usually print 2 per computer.
    BTW, you will get $5 in RRs if you purchase 4 of the fudge stripes.

    The Kashi Qs are from the Kashi website, and I think some wre from coupons.com too, but I can't remember b/c I printed them a while ago.

    I will try to include this info in the future ;D

  3. How do I get (what are they?) Register rewards from Wags?

  4. Also, look into pump perks at Biggs. Alan is obsessed with this. If you coupon and bulk buy you can get great savings on gas at Sunoco. Which happens to be at the end of your street.
    We fill up our SUV for 10 cents a gallon, literally 2.00 for a fill up. We've saved hundreds of dollars in gas by shopping at Biggs.

  5. Register Rewards print out at the register when you buy certain items. You will see the RR generating items in the Wags ad on Sundays. For instance it said "Buy 4 keebler products at 4/$10, get $5 RR, it's like paying 4/$5" or something like that. Then you maximize these deals by using MFQs like I did, and you end up paying less (net), such as .50 each in this example. And if you have RRs from a previous trip, you can use those to pay and take nothing out of your pocket. The idea is to do this as often as possible and roll the RRs.

    Here is a good guide to the RR program, as there are some stipulations you need to be aware of before attempting:

    And people keep telling me this about Bigg's, but we don't live near one, and I don't know if I can handle another store on my list just yet. But maybe after we move ;D
